Instant Boiling Water Tap Benefits

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Instant Boiling Water Tap Benefits

Imagine a world with no more kettles! Imagine a world when you want a cup of tea you will have it as quick as a glass of juice.  Imagine the benefits for home cooking when you don’t have to wait for a kettle to boil for boiling water for pasta, rice, blanching vegetables, creating gravies and sauces etc etc etc.  Well this world is a reality for many households as they have an boiling water tap.  With an instant boiling water tap you have exactly what it says – instant boiling water.  Count up the times each week that you have waited on a kettle to boil.  Imaging the convenience on a busy morning when rushing for work when 5 minutes is all you have spare?  If you don’t have a boiling water tap then it is likely tea or coffee will have to wait.  The alternative is that you are sitting relaxing for 5 minutes before your busy day ahead.

As the world gets faster and people expect things to be done quicker and no one has “a minute” we need all the help we can get.  Imagine an office environment where you have guests and you spend the first five minutes staring at a kettle while they sit unattended in your office.  Yes this might be the norm but imagine asking your guest if they would like “tea or coffee” and when they answer have it to them within a minute.  Impressive start to your meeting!!!

Once you have an instant hot boiling water tap installed you will wonder how you ever lived without one.

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